Using the Gym to Achieve Fitness Goals for 2018

A “new year resolution” is defined as a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year.

Typically I don’t make New Year resolutions. If I want to change or improve on something I am doing or not doing, I don’t believe in waiting until a new year to start.  But I love the idea of resolutions and fully believe in making changes to better ones-self.

This year, I am creating Fitness Goals. I have fallen off the fitness wagon in a major way and need to jump back on Pronto! I have NO good reason for falling off the wagon, our kids are getting older, I have more time to myself, and we have an INCREDIBLE GYM!

Last year, one of our home renovation projects was to build a gym with outstanding equipment and create a space we would love to use…and we did! You can read about it HERE.

My fitness goals for 2018 are as follows:

IMG_3943Decrease body fat by 5% by losing 10 pounds. Losing 1 pound a week seems very reasonable and achievable. Over the years, I have tried many different ways to lose weight, the quickest way I have found is a low carb, high fat diet like KETO. Weight comes off very quickly by restricting carbohydrates and sugar but the lack of energy was unbearable for me and the diet left me with kidney stones. You can read more that HERE.

This time around, I will stick to low caloric intake, and allow myself to eat carbohydrates. I fully believe an well rounded, balanced diet is the best way to lose and maintain a healthy body weight.

fullsizeoutput_7418Another goal I am setting for myself is to put on lean muscle weight. This shouldn’t be too hard considering I’m so out of practice. Proper weight lifting techniques should do the trick.

IMG_3999I’d also like to add 1 inch to my biceps by bench pressing and performing various exercises to strengthen my upper arms.

IMG_3951Do 30 minutes of cardio exercise at least 3 times a week.

Image 1-10-18 at 6.31 PMEat a larger variety of clean, healthy foods that will boost energy levels and give me the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to help my body recover more efficiently after grueling workouts.

IMG_3948Perform more strength training exercises using resistance bands, and work out every area and muscle group on my body.

I believe if I can perform these 6 fitness goals, I will feel better, look better, and have more energy. What do you say, want to do it with me?

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10 thoughts on “Using the Gym to Achieve Fitness Goals for 2018

  1. I’m doing something like this already! I’m trying to eat cleaner and stay more gluten free. Super hard to do. I’m also focusing more on getting stronger rather than losing weight. I like feeling strong.

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